Biofertiliser Trichoderma Harzianum Powder
Trichoderma harzianum (T. harzianum) jẹ antagonist fungus filamentous ti awọn pathogens ọgbin, ti a lo ninu iṣakoso ti ibi ti awọn arun ti a ṣe nipasẹ awọn elu phytopathogenic.O jẹ lilo pupọ ni iṣẹ-ogbin nitori awọn ohun-ini rẹ bi biofungicide, biofertilizer ati biostimulant.
A le pese 2 bilionu CFU/g, 5 bilionu CFU/g, 20 bilionu CFU/g, ati be be lo.
Olubasọrọ: Erica Zheng
Tẹli: +86 21 2097 0332
Agbajo eniyan: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Biofungicide Bacillus Subtilis Powder
Awọn kokoro arun Bacillus subtilis kii ṣe apanirun.Wọn ti lo lori awọn eweko bi fungicide.Wọn tun lo lori awọn irugbin ogbin, gẹgẹbi ẹfọ ati awọn irugbin soybean, gẹgẹbi fungicide.Awọn kokoro arun, ti a ṣe ijọba lori awọn eto gbongbo, dije pẹlu arun ti o nfa awọn oganisimu olu.Lilo Bacillus subtilis bi fungicide ni da fun ko kan eniyan.
A le pese 20 bilionu CFU/g, 100 bilionu CFU/g, ati be be lo.
Olubasọrọ: Erica Zheng
Tẹli: +86 21 2097 0332
Agbajo eniyan: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Makirobia Inoculants Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens Powder
Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens ni a gba pe o jẹ kokoro-arun biocontrol ti o gba gbongbo, ati pe o lo lati ja diẹ ninu awọn ọlọjẹ gbongbo ọgbin ni ogbin, aquaculture ati hydroponics.O ti ṣe afihan lati pese awọn anfani si awọn irugbin ni ile mejeeji ati awọn ohun elo hydroponic.
Olubasọrọ: Erica Zheng
Tẹli: +86 21 2097 0332
Agbajo eniyan: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Iṣakoso ẹfọn BTi/Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis Powder
Bacillus thuringiensis serotype israelensis (Bti) jẹ ẹgbẹ kan ti kokoro arun ti a lo bi awọn aṣoju iṣakoso ti ibi fun awọn ipele idin ti awọn dipterans kan.Bti n ṣe awọn majele ti o munadoko ninu pipa ọpọlọpọ awọn eya ti efon, awọn kokoro fungus, ati awọn dudu dudu, lakoko ti o fẹrẹ ko ni ipa lori awọn ohun alumọni miiran.
Olubasọrọ: Erica Zheng
Tẹli: +86 21 2097 0332
Agbajo eniyan: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Bioinsecticide BT/Bacillus Thuringiensis Powder
Bacillus thuringiensis jẹ lilo pupọ ni iṣẹ-ogbin fun iṣakoso awọn ajenirun kokoro.Kokoro naa ṣe agbejade endotoxin eyiti o wa ninu ifisi crystalline.Ni afikun si ifosiwewe majele, awọn ọlọjẹ miiran ni ipa ninu ikọlu agbalejo ati didi awọn aabo ajẹsara ti ogun naa.
Olubasọrọ: Erica Zheng
Tẹli: +86 21 2097 0332
Agbajo eniyan: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Microbial Pesticide Beauveria Bassiana Powder
Beauveria bassiana jẹ fungus kan ti o dagba nipa ti ara ni awọn ile ni gbogbo agbaye ti o si ṣe bi parasite lori ọpọlọpọ awọn eya arthropod, nfa arun muscardine funfun;nitorina o jẹ ti awọn elu entomopathogenic.O ti wa ni lilo bi a ti ibi insecticide lati ṣakoso awọn nọmba kan ti ajenirun bi termites, thrips, whiteflies, aphids ati orisirisi beetles.
Olubasọrọ: Erica Zheng
Faksi: +86 21 5881 6016
Agbajo eniyan: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Bioinsecticide BTk/Bacillus Thuringiensis Kurstaki Powder
Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk) jẹ ẹgbẹ kan ti kokoro arun ti a lo bi awọn aṣoju iṣakoso ti ibi lodi si awọn lepidopterans.Btk, pẹlu awọn ọja B. thuringiensis miiran, jẹ ọkan ninu awọn ipakokoropaeku ti ibi ti a lo pupọ julọ nitori iyasọtọ giga rẹ;o jẹ doko lodi si lepidopterans, ati awọn ti o ni o ni kekere kan lati ko si ipa lori awọn ti kii afojusun eya.Lakoko sporulation, Btk ṣe agbejade amuaradagba gara ti o jẹ apaniyan si idin lepidopteran.Ni kete ti kokoro ba wọ inu rẹ, itusilẹ ti crystal gba laaye protoxin lati tu silẹ.Majele naa lẹhinna mu ṣiṣẹ nipasẹ oje ikun kokoro, ati pe o bẹrẹ lati fọ ikun.
Olubasọrọ: Erica Zheng
Tẹli: +86 21 2097 0332
Agbajo eniyan: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Phosphobacteria Bacillus Megaterium Powder
Bacillus megaterium jẹ cytokinin ti o nse igbelaruge kokoro arun ti a lo lati ṣe igbelaruge ilodi ti gbongbo ọgbin.Awọn ohun elo ti o ṣeeṣe ti Bacillus megaterium ni a ṣe ayẹwo ni awọn aginju fun igbega ti ogbin asale nipasẹ Köberl ati awọn miiran.O jẹ giramu-rere, ti o ni apẹrẹ ọpá, spore lara awọn kokoro arun.O ti wa ni lilo ninu awọn biocontrol ti awọn arun ọgbin.
Olubasọrọ: Erica Zheng
Tẹli: +86 21 2097 0332
Agbajo eniyan: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Ti ibi Iṣakoso Trichoderma Viride lulú
Trichoderma viride jẹ ọkan ninu ọpọlọpọ awọn eya ti m.O jẹ fungus filamentous ti o pin kaakiri ni ile, awọn ohun elo ọgbin, eweko ti n bajẹ.O jẹ anamorph (ie, ipele ibisi asexual) ti Hypocrea rufa eyiti o jẹ ipele ibisi ibalopọ ti fungus ti o si ṣe agbejade ara eleso olu.Trichoderma viride jẹ fungus ati biofungicide kan.O ti wa ni lilo fun irugbin ati ile itọju fun didi ti awọn orisirisi arun to šẹlẹ nipasẹ olu pathogens.
Olubasọrọ: Erica Zheng
Tẹli: +86 21 2097 0332
Agbajo eniyan: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Nematodes Terminator Paecilomyces Lilacinus Powder
Purpureocillium jẹ iwin olu ni idile Ophiocordycipitaceae.O ni ifarada pH jakejado ati pe o le dagba lori ọpọlọpọ awọn sobusitireti.P. lilacinum ti ṣe afihan awọn abajade ti o ni ileri fun lilo bi oluranlowo biocontrol lati ṣakoso idagba ti awọn nematodes root-knot iparun.
Olubasọrọ: Erica Zheng
Tẹli: +86 21 2097 0332
Agbajo eniyan: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Eṣú apani Metarhizium Anisopliae Powder
Metarhizium anisopliae jẹ fungus ti o dagba nipa ti ara ni awọn ile ni gbogbo agbaye ti o si nfa arun ni orisirisi awọn kokoro nipa ṣiṣe bi parasite;nitorina o jẹ ti awọn elu entomopathogenic.O ti wa ni a mo lati infect lori 200 eya kokoro, pẹlu termites.O ti wa ni lilo lọwọlọwọ bi ipakokoro ti ibi lati ṣakoso ọpọlọpọ awọn ajenirun gẹgẹbi awọn eṣú, tata, termites, thrips, ati bẹbẹ lọ.
Olubasọrọ: Erica Zheng
Email: erica@shxlchem.com
Tẹli: +86 21 2097 0332
Agbajo eniyan: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Nitrogen Fixation Azotobacter chroococcum Powder
Azotobacter chroococcum jẹ kokoro arun ti o ni agbara lati ṣe atunṣe nitrogen ti afẹfẹ.O jẹ aerobic akọkọ, olutọju nitrogen ti o laaye laaye ti a ṣe awari.A. chroococcum le jẹ iwulo fun imuduro nitrogen ninu awọn irugbin bi ogbin biofertilizer, fungicide, ati itọkasi ounjẹ, ati ni bioremediation.
Olubasọrọ: Erica Zheng
Tẹli: +86 21 2097 0332
Agbajo eniyan: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy